Constanta Port, Berth 34, 900900, Constanta, Romania
GSP Granit 100 t floating crane
GSP Neptun 1800 t floating crane
GSP Bigfoot 2 Heavy lift and semi-submersible cargo barge
GSP Bigfoot 1 DP2 Pipelay Vessel
GSP Phoenix Work Vessel
GSP Perseu Platform Supply Vessel
GSP ANTARES DP2 Safety / Emergency Response – AHTS Oil Spell Recovery Vessel
GSP VEGA DP1 Anchor Handling Tug Vessel
GSP Licorn Platform Supply Vessel
GSP QUEEN DP2 Anchor Handling Tug Supply
GSP CENTAURUS DP2 Platform Supply Vessel
GSP Alcor DP1 Anchor Handling Tug Supply
GSP ORION DP1 Platfrom Supply Vessel
GSP King DP2 Anchor Handling Tug Supply
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