SS Barakuda
Survey, ROV Support and Utility vessel
The “SS Barracuda” (formerly M.V. “Mermaid Supporter”) is utility vessel equipped with an omni-directional bow thruster and accommodation for 30 personnel. This vessel has an extensive track record for performance of platform inspection and FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) facility underwater inspection projects in South- East Asia using a combination of ROV and surface diving methods. To improve commercial and operational efficiency, the vessel was transferred to PT Seascape Surveys Indonesia, a majority owned subsidiary.
Vessel Web Page

PT. Seascape Surveys Indonesia
+62 21 867 1111
+62 21 867 1111
Jl. Raya Karanggan Muda No. 172 Gunung Putri, Bogor 16961 INDONESIA