Accommodation Jackup Offshore liftboat for Sale
Accommodation Jackup Offshore liftboat for Sale
Type of vessel: Accommodation Jackup/Self-elevating Offshore liftboat
Class Notation: OU 100A1, Self-Elevating Units, Accommodation Unit,
OMC, HELIDECK, PCAC3, Southern North Sea Service
Length overall: 68m
Hull width: 62m
Hull depth: 7.5m
design Draft: 4.5m
Jacking systems:
Number : 3
Type: Pin in Hole
Driven: Hydraulic
Jacking average speed: 0.40m/min
Normal jacking capacity each leg: 4250ton
Storm holding capacity each leg: 8000ton
Target Lightship Weight: About 12830ton (include legs & spudcans)
Leg and Spud Can:
Number: 3
Type: Truss
Leg Length: 95.6m(include spud can)
Leg Size: 8.0mx8.0mx8.0m
Spud Can Area: 174m2 each
Accommodation: 150person+30crew
(upgrade to be 250p+30crew)
Helicopter type: EH101, Blade Foldable
Diameter: 22.8 x 22.8 m
Helicopter Hangar: 2xEC145 Type and 1xEH101 Type storage
★2 * Knuckle boom type Deck Cranes 35 ton/32 meters.
★1* Telescopic Gangway: 19.0m±4.0m long.
★4* Single Drum Winches system of driven by electric-hydraulic.
★3* Boatlanding system.
★ 1* Container Cargo Handling system.
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