You have reached the maximum of four Vessels per comparison.
Pioneering Spirit The Largest Construction Vessel in the World DP3 Heavy Lift Pipelay Vessel
Solitaire DP3 Derrick Pipelay Vessel
Seven Arctic DPIII Construction / Flex-lay Vessel
Seven Borealis DP3 Pipelay and Heavy Lift Vessel
Seven Champion DP2 Pipe-lay /Construction / Accommodation / Heavy Lift / Work barge
Norce Endeavour Derrick Lay Barge
Normand Maximus DP3 DLV
Sapura 3500 DP3 3500 Tons Heavy Lift Pipelaying Vessel
Sapura 1200 DP3 1200 Tons Heavy Lift Pipelaying Vessel
Sapura 2000 Derrick Pipelay Barge
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